" Minor
The Foabeléth
Ordirrex is comprised of many smaller minor dungeons, six of which
connect to the surface. Booezor is built on older layers of its
previous iterations, particularly the Ezordirrexian era when the
city-state as one worked for the glory of the Autarch, and the elder
magic era, when the Sculpted Mountain and the first city was built.
Oldcity Sewer System – the functional
and nonfunctional sewer systems of several iterations of the city
built on top of each other. A huge mess of tunnels and chutes that
spans more than twice the length of the city.
Tomb of Mountain's Heart – its
earliest parts were dug deep into the heart of the Sculpted Mountain,
and the subsequent generational levels were stacked on top of each
other one after another as the city grew. It occupies little horizontal space but a great deal of vertical space.
Pits (Refuse Dump) – the size
of small town and with a population of people to match, the city's
dumping grounds have become their own multi-leveled ecosystem and
cave complex, eventually meeting the sewers or the twin underground
helical rivers.
– a quasi-extradimensional prison structure built to contain magic
users. It is filled with creatures that ignore, twist, or feed on
magic energies, convicts to dangerous (or hated) to kill, and beings
from other planes.
Mine – silver IS magic in the
“Furthest Lands”, not a currency. Occasionally silver or
Moonmetal will rain down from the sky as meteorites. The most
closely guarded mine on the lower slopes of Booezor's Sculpted
Mountain was once a steady source of the magical metal.
Termite Mound – a great nest of giant termites at the base of the
sculpted mountain is believed to connect to the deeper parts of the
megadungeon. "
Filth Pits (the Dump)
1. Rat Queen
– three to thirteen abnormally large rats with their tails fused or
tied together to create a single being, it is highly intelligent and
speaks with a single voice, can exert psychic mastery over other
rats, use magic, and change forms into other groups of creatures.
2. Pickers
(Dump Lemurs) – red and yellow patterned lemur-like creatures,
annoyances who steal, signal other monsters, and create a horrid
musk, they are able to “throw” their stink from their tails.
3. Rotback
Hermits – great land crabs that cover their bodies with
assorted debris and occassional treasure, most are merely looking to
eat people but some will fixate on the nicest piece of equipment
their target visibly owns.
4. Otyugh
(single/pair) – the Wretched Sages, the repulsive and often
murderously hungry otyughs are found sometimes in the pits, where
they dine on and bathe in decaying matter, they are in constant
telepathic communication with every being they encounter, and despite
their poor intelligence they have good memories.
5. Rats (1d6)
1. Normal Large
Rats – rats... just rats.
2. Pouch
Rats – thieving rats that distract and take items from the
3. Plague
Rats – diseased rats with rabid behavior.
4. Bristleback
Rats – large, powerful and ravenously hungry.
6. Broken
Golem – seamless inscrutable monstrosities of an earlier age
or the half-ruined work of a contemporary mage.
7. Lepers and
Other Sickfolk – the obviously diseased of various
species, forced to live here on society's edge, too wretched for even
the slums.

9. Zesmes Flies
– giant black flies that wound or seek the wounded and lay their
eggs inside their prey.
10. Ooze, Slime
1. Green
Slime – contained pools of slime are not rare in the
dumping grounds.
2. Gel –
as the 'Dragon Quest' OG slime monster.
3. Black
Ooze – carpet of fairly slow-moving metamorphic goo,
digests whatever it is exposed to.
4. Mutagoo –
quivering gelatin capable of drastically transforming living matter.
11. Mongrel Men
– shunned and asymetrical, mutants and experiments of different
backgrounds, as diverse in their motivations as their features.
12. Pit Star –
vast, dark, slow-moving landstar consumes all sorts of matter in its
13. Carrion
Crawler – the largest ever recorded were found in the deep
central pits, and rumors of a winged imago form.
14. Environmental
Encounter (1d4)
1. Trashslide –
more common during the rainy season, an avalanche of metal and muck.
2. Sinkhole
– 50% collapse on themselves, 50% empty into a lower area.
3. Magical
Radiation – chaotic magical effects, and/or saves vs.
4. Medicinal
Herbs – magical healing and/or cleansing herbs found growing
naturally in a secluded areas.
15. Slime Lapper
– strange small-bodied furry creature with a highly mobile,
prominent tongue capable of advancing decomposition on organic
objects it touches at an amazing rate.
16. Delver
Group – party of NPCs from the Delvers' Collective, going to
or coming from a mission in the depths.
17. Rust
Monster – standard man-sized arthropod with oxidizing
antennae, their clutches of dozens of eggs look and feel just like
gold coins.
18. Parasites
1. Rot Grubs
– flesh tunneling maggots.
2. Pit Fleas
– irritating infestation of insects.
3. Limb Worm –
blood borne parasite that infests, kills, and begins to operate its
host's limbs.
4. Ear Mites
– collections inside the ear deafen, and irritate the host.
19. Detritus Vine
– fast-growing, highly mobile carnivorous plant makes portions of
itself into living flails by wrapping around loose junk.
20. Tillerbeast
– more heavily armored and bodied variant of the bulette, its waste
is a magical super fertilizer.
21. Myconids
1. Shepards –
fungus zombie herders with their mouldering herds.
2. Myco-Alchemist
– potion and powder master with retinue of assistants, here
harvesting unique dump-grown fungi.
3. Trading
Group – traders from the deeps bearing various mycological
4. Pariah –
myconid pariahs are clerics, monks or wizards, they have commited
“crimes” of thought and expression, exiled from the dreamstory
circle of the others, they grow mouths to facilitate communication
with non-fungal entities.
22. Wretchers
– generic term for the pathetic dumpfolk here to scratch and dig
for valuables, too poor, deranged, or disgusting to eke out of a
living in Bottomshelf or even the Weave.

24. Lobo Worms
– rapid moving man-sized carnivorous subterranean annelids, small
packs roam the pits, bursting from the ground to strike like mauve
mottled dolphins.
25. Gobboos
1. Kobalds –
Gobs – immunities.
3. Hobgobs –
4. Gorks –
26. Deepdump
Swine – great hulking boar, common in the middle heaps.
27. Trash Mimic
– polymorphic monster that often assumes the form of piles of
detritus, generally with something valuable or desirable in the
28. Pit Pincher
– giant antlion of the filth pits, hurls junk at those passing and
attemps to destabilize the slopes of its refuse lined pit.
29. (Roll on
Adjacent Area Table)
30. Special *
More tables to come. The Labrynthyne table will probably be another d30, while the Moonmetal Mine and the Giant Termite Mound will likely be d20 tables.
Oooh, this one has some great ideas. The Glutton Wyrm I particularly liked.