Monday, September 17, 2018

Random Encounters by Terrain - Mountains (d100)

 The sixth of nine expected random encounter lists divided by terrain.  Previous lists can be found here:  Plains, Forest, Swamp, Desert, Sea.  Still have Freshwater, Wasteland, and Subterranean left to finish, each has been started.  I feel like I keep saying it, but once I've finished these tables I can finally move on to stating and elaborating on each new monster... of which I've now amassed 116.

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Mountains – 20% / day

01-02 Mist Frother – long-limbed, fast-moving amphibian predators of the mountain forests. Frothers foam at the mouth constantly and can work themselves into a special froth that hardens and sticks to other creatures, slowing or imprisoning them.

03-04 Ceratosaurus – moderately sized therapod dinosaur with a broad and brightly colored nasal horn, a bright red face, and a mane of brown feathers that continues down the back.

05-06 Bonespear - insect monsters with a heavy carapace, pony-sized with two head-mounted harpoon horns that can be launched at and reel in prey. During their breeding season, males hunt continuously and often struggle between themselves over kills.

07-09 Chrichoral Group (1d6)
    1. Trading Group
    2. Hunters
    3. Ranger
    4. Thieves
    5. Songstealer (famous sorcerer/thief) and retinue
    6. Messenger

10-11 Skeen – large aerial predators also called bladebirds, rumored to be distant relations of the lancet stirge, their bodies are featherless, their heads and talons are relatively small. The front edge of their rigid, locking wings is a razor sharp blade that Skeen use to bisect prey in catastrophic dives.

12-13 Golden Cornucorn – giant, single-horned mountain goats with exceptional intelligence and their own language. Fond of the highest, snowy mountain peaks.

14 Ice Man (Peak Mummy) – body of a great hero or terrible enemy placed in the isolated mountains to be naturally mummified. They were often bound by cairns that have since collapsed, releasing them as enraged undead.

15-16 Bloat Cage – huge aerial invertebrate kept aloft by buoyant gas bags. Three arm-thick tentacles ring the creature's hanging mouth, each is strong enough to lift a man. Shem enslave Bloat Cages to use as captive transports.

17-18 Pterosaur Flock (1d4)
   1. Quetzalcoatlus – biplane-sized, these fish-eating pterosaurs are large enough to bear a man-sized rider, and cause one severe harm.
   2. Pteranodon – large, toothless pterosaurs with long cranial crests and 20' wingspans.
   3. Electric Eudimorphodon – tiny, toothed pterosaurs with 3' wingspans, they can store an electrical charge in their wiry fur and discharge it as a static shock or a tiny lightning bolt.
   4. Pteradactyl – small, toothed pterosaurs, with 4' wingspans.

19 Thermoclastic Dragon – brutal, lethargic volcanic wyrm whose skin oozes armor of hardening lava, and whose breath weapon is a mortar cannon of exploding rock and superheated gas. Another flightless dragon, it does have small specialized wings that aid it in tunneling through the ground.

20-21 Manticor - spirit cursed iele, usually lawful/poachers/defilers, now always hungry for other people.

22-23 Pinnacle Roper – multiple eyed, stone-skinned roper monsters of great size who favor high cliffs and peaks. Each has three huge vertical mouths and three to ten adhesive tendrils that can strike up to ninety feet away.

24-25 Gnocchom – pink spindly little humanoids who cloth themselves in magical snow. They use their minor atmospheric abilities to amuse themselves tormenting travellers.

26-27 Mororca Group (1d6)
    1. Hunters
    2. Warriors
    3. Trading Group
    4. Barbarian
    5. Shraosh/Naudde/Tyrant Shaman
    6. Druid/Ranger

28-29 Distortion Beast - akin to the Displacer Beast but smaller, lighter, and significantly more intelligent. This creature is able to control the effects of its visual distortion, and clever enough to get the greatest benefit for its effort. The beast may choose to appear up to 5' away from itself in any direction, blink as the spell, mirror image as the spell, or use the distortion as an purely visual illusion of itself performing any action it wishes.

30-31 Couerl – highly intelligent feline creatures with iridescent, patterned fur and finger-tipped always moving tentacles. They possess spellcasting powers and the ability to see truth, they despise distortion beasts and work against them whenever possible.

32-33 Ethyk - small black, grey and white monkey or lemur-like creature with a single black eye found in the mountain forests. As a defense, the Ethyk can influence the emotions of those around it.

34-35 Snapper Bear – great shaggy black and gray front-heavy ursine bodies with long, almost crocodilian jaws.

36-37 Rockslide / Mudslide / Avalanche – streaming, deadly torrent of crushing stones, suffocating mud, or burying snow.

38-39 Ogres (1d6)
   1. Freshly Cursed: hateful, sadistic, a great parody of an iele, berserker.
   2. Freshly Cursed, Mage: a great mad spellcaster, random magic specialization.
   3. Second Gen.: Warrior
   4. Second Gen.: Priest
   5. Second Gen.: Sorcerer/Wizard
   6. Second Gen.: "Paladin"

40-41 Lodestarr – mineral creatures like floating, somewhat diamond-shaped caltrops, believed to fall through the sky upon the high peaks. Lodestarrs are magnetic powerhouses who can kill or maim their foes with their own metal weapons, or even the very earth.

42-43 Brain Hoarder / Mind Thief – bloated worm or grub-like beast over twenty feet long, its head houses six compound eyes, a central mouth, and an array of jointed mouthparts similar to surgical tools. This creature seeks out wizards' and sorcerers' brains to consume/store, using a magic negating power and the stolen magical powers of its previous victims.

44-46 Peak Peepers - tiny bluish gray primates with stiff, brightly tufted tails, flat furless faces, and huge dark eyes. Semi-intelligent and peaceful, but can work together to surprising effect, may steal small attractive items. Damn good eatin'.

47-48 Megatherium - giant ground sloth, territorial, aggressive.

49-50 Plants (1d4)
   1. Pitchcone Pine – small conifer of the higher elevations whose cone naturally oozes a highly flammable resin. Lit on fire the fist-sized cones will create a blazing explosion that activates and hurls the seeds away. The stunted trees produce precious few cones, only a handful every twenty years.
   2. Coldbrush – shrub that drops the surrounding temperature substantially, brushing lightly against its tiny blue-gray buds is sure to freeze the parts touched.
   3. Glass Petal Roses – flowers with transparent petals and hollow thorns that quickly soak up blood. The blossoms blush with color particular to the blood they've tasted, and are quite valuable.
   4. Hookpod Grass – brushing against skin causes seedpods to release, and hooks on the pods to snap into flesh for one dmg. Tearing them out causes more dmg., though they will fall out on their own at an upward change of elevation great enough.

51-52 Great Mountain Eel - gargantuan terrestrial eels, live in smooth, clean caves in the mountainside and lunge out to catch flying or climbing prey. Appear as huge craggy brown, grey, and black moray eels. Many small scavenging creatures will attend the site of the eels' dining, some dangerous in their own right.

53-54 Suitable Elemental ( Air / Rock / Mud / Ice / Lava )

55-56 Lancet Stirge Flock - naked birdlike creatures with elongated, saw-edged lower jaws, cat size. Function as stirges but can pin targets in numbers and interfere with movement/spellcasting.

57-58 Vrikissk - “dual mantis” of the mountain forests and crags, moves like a centipede on many hooked legs. Each end of its body can raise up over eight feet, and has four snatching mantid forelimbs and a mouth like concentric cutting beaks. Able to expertly camouflage all parts of its body except the red, faceted, crystalline eyes.

59-60 Iele Group (1d6)
   1. Hunters
   2. Trading Group
   3. Ranger
   4. Explorers
   5. Random Priest
   6. Random Mage

61-63 Shem Formation - 4-10 Shem hunting for or returning with captives. Often accompanied by Bloat Cages (1-4), ground slaves (5-50), or aerial slaves (2-20).

64-65 Woolly Rhinoceros – huge, heavily skinned, and heavily haired twin-horned rhinoceri.

66-67 Xirvig – small insectile humanoids who carve magical runic patterns on rock. They are secretive and distrustful of other races, who through normal means are unable to speak their chittering language.

68-69 Masticator Swarm – eyeless feathered flyers about six inches long, with an oversized mouth full of teeth disturbingly like a man's. Masticators usually function as rapid scavengers of the higher elevations, but certain types will strip a living creature of flesh in a chattering storm.

70-72 Cave / Structure / Feature (1d8)
   1. Ruin
   2. Shrine
   3. Hot Springs
   4. Aerie
   5. Cairn
   6. Cave, Cleared Inhabited (by NPC group)
   7. Cave, Cleared Uninhabited
   8. Cave, Lair – roll additional encounter.

73-74 Grappa – round-bodied, long-armed orange and black-banded creature that strips bamboo with its huge beak in the mountain forests. Only dangerous if irritated, surprised, or with offspring.

75-76 Storm ( Wind / Snow / Thunder / Ash ) - appropriate inclement weather event.

77-78 Geodeorn – two limbed mineral being, orbited by 1d4+1 living, symbiotic ioun stone creatures.

79-80 Mutant Troll Pack - slightly undersized trolls that mutate as they regenerate. They can climb at 1/2 walking speed and have one hit die more than other terrain types. During regeneration of massive damage they can fuse together into larger abominations or break into smaller, independent, ruined parts.

81-82 Suitable Nature Spirit (1d4)
   1. Zainhest (Apex Spirit) – possessing spirit that commands its host to climb as high as possible.
   2. Sclarrianth – an attendant spirit of Skraosh the goddess of evolution, an amorphous entity with a will and strength to bestow a mutation, create a new species, bestow one of the lycanthropic raptures, or create a chaos blessed area. The Sclarrianth can be argued with and guided in its gift giving to a certain extent, but must give and expire in the process.
   3. Ea'ea - an instilling spirit of growth and energy. Can transform any living thing into a force to be reckoned with, at a cost.
   4. Waiwie "Tilted Scale" (Chaos Spirit) - from a distance a glowing dragonfly, closer just branching luminous nerves. A spirit that takes/erases elements of law and society from an individual and replaces them with natural elements (Example: the Waiwei steals your money and replaces it with meat or seeds, or maybe erases the Fasinaa language from your mind and replaces it with the tongue of flowers or birds).

83-84 Stilt Scorpion – extremely long-legged ox-size scorpions that can climb steep faces with ease. Their neurotoxic venom ranges in intensity from convulsive, to paralytic, to deadly, depending on carapace color.

85 Glacial Dragon – great ice-coated wyrm of the glacial heights. Long, hoary and jagged, a winged dragon who wraps itself in a freezing storm to dive bomb its foes and breathes sleet. These wyrms have their hoards frozen within inaccessible masses of ice, but their favorite treasures are the stories of captives.

86-87 Cedarosaurus Herd – moderately sized sauropods, occasionally territorial they may serve as an environmental hazard, they also may attract the largest predators of the area.

88-89 Kyanbolo ("Bird Dragons") - huge (20', grey furred/feathered wyvern-shaped creature. Feathered wings, great toothed jaws. They have incredibly large and powerful talons, which they
wear pieces of armor, magic rings, and bracelets on. They make nothing and seek out magical items, both to use and to elevate themselves socially. They eat many races, but they despise the Chrichoral and merely murder them violently and brutally.

90-91 Primates (1d4)
1. Feenees - panda patterned lemurs, if unmolested they may follow the PCs and alert them to danger, or lead them to fruit, edible plants and clean water.
2. Black-bellied Slingers - large, aggressively territorial monkeys, create a riotous din and pelt intruders with sticks, stones, fruits, and feces, will not fight unless cornered.
3. Snatchers - carnivorous apes, attempt to stealthily drag a single victim into the canopy to be devoured.
4. Grand Apes - giant blue gorillas, intelligent and generally peaceful, if taciturn and indolent.

92-93 Mesonythia Pack – wolf-like animals with toes that end in individual hooves, rapid moving pack hunters with almost reptilian jaws.

94-95 Salamander – magical amphibians who spend their time basking in steam vents, lava flows, and atop red-hot stones. Amenable but simple minded creatures that have no understanding of how dangerous their native elements are to others.

96-97 Earthquake / Volcanic Eruption – 3d4-2 grade earthquake on the Richter scale, or a nearby volcanic event of the same intensity.

98 Scobocumulus Cloud – actually the large aerial nymph of an unknown adult insect, this creature creates a small cloud to hide it and buoy its body aloft. As long as it maintains the cloud around it, it can generate small lightning bolts, hail, or a sudden if very local rainstorm.

99 Umber Brute (1d3) infamous chitin-plated underground beasts.
   1. Yellow – smaller and faster than a Gray, the yellow-plated variety is known as a “Boggling Brute”, a crown of eight eyes caps its head and seeing three or more can fully cause confusion as the spell.
   2. Red – largest and strongest of the umber brutes, the red-plated variety has two extra forelimbs that are jointed to attack behind it and in front. It will never hesitate to collapse walls on itself or smash through the floor and bring everything in a room painfully to a lower location, covered in rubble only it can dig out from.
   3. Gray – standard gray-plated variety.

00 Special *

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1 comment:

  1. I love your Thermoclastic Dragon illustration. It looks so mischievous and proud.
